Thursday, September 27, 2007


I got this amazing sheet of Fairys from Fran at Hearts in Touch. I have been creating little works of art with these adorable images a little at a time. I have been having a good time using my colored pencils and experimenting with colors and tones. I hope you enjoy my little winged nymphs. Hats off to the artist Marjolein who created these little beauties. You will see more of them to come but for now here is what I have done.


Pink Elephant Soapery said...

Beautiful as always Cindy and WOW!!!! you have a blog! NICE!!

Miz_Cat said...

Hi Cindy I see that you BELIEVE like I do. I love your blog and art and the soundtrack of your life. Hugs MizCat

Lindart said...

Your blog is great Cindy! I like your photo, it's nice to put a face to the artists! The music albums are great, I'm looking for music to fill up my ginormous 160Gb i-pod with. Lots of these I had forgotten about! Thanks for sharing,
