Saturday, April 26, 2008


Well after weeks and weeks of waiting after the writer's strike, I was not disappointed! I forgive them for taking so long. They really made the wait worthwhile as they did an outstanding job of tying in the past episodes with this one and making room for all sorts of scenarios for the future. I want this program to stay on for a long long time. Alex O'Loughlin is a great actor besides being a total BABE. Can you tell I love this show! I haven't felt this way about a show since Boston Legal first came on and yes I still love that adorable Alan Cross (James Spader) with his delicious dry humor, sharp wit and dirty mind.

Mick St. John has made me a lover of vampires! I will no longer think of Bela Lugosi when it comes to blood sucking creatures of the night. The storyline is so great and the chemistry between he and his mortal love, "my Beth" (as he refers to her to his friends-so sweeeet!!). Well, just go to the link on the title of this blog entry and it will take you to all the goodies you will need to know to get hooked on this show. He is awfully pretty to look at too! Hey! I may be getting old but I ain't dead yet!

OK, besides at looking at my new boyfriend (he is younger than my son for cryin' out loud!) I did make up a whole batch of thank you cards to send out to the nice people that send me toys to try out and play with. I am forever making different backgrounds playing around with my plentiful inks and colorwashes. I am a compulsive webbing spray user, I would take a 12 step program for it but I really don't want to! Webbing spray is just too darn fun to play with and it makes the plainest old paper look so dramatic! So, I needed some quick solutions. I took some of my background papers, some trusty black ink and the closest stamps to me and started stamping out all my frustrations. I cut them all up, edged them with my Krylon pens (another constant staple for me) and attached them to cardstock. In a matter of minutes, cards were done! My guilt is alleviated for now! I know there will be something else to replace this with another guilt in no time but one more notch in my lipstick case!

Now there is a huge pile of laundry that is calling my name.........Wash me Cindy, please wash me! If you don't, you will run out of underwear and then you will be sorry. Ooooops, better go! Another guilt trip awaits! Enjoy your day!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day!

Today is a gorgeous day outside. After the long hard winter we have experienced it is so nice to see the flowers blooming, the squirrels, bunnies, birds and other outdoor creatures scurrying around looking for food for their young families. Everyone is out doing yardwork, planting and just spending time enjoying the fresh air and sunshine. What a great day to celebrate Earth Day. We all can do our part! I am a big believer that if we all commit ourselves to do something to save our planet from wastefullness that all those little things add up and make this a better place to live for us today and for generations to come. Every little effort adds up. The paper company that I do design work for is very aware of the effort to save our planet. They have a great website to visit to learn more about their efforts make sure to sign up for their newsletter and our Design Team Blog as well. Lots of inspiration and we have been on a real "green" kick for the past month as well as this month. Check out our contest too. Who doesn't want to win paper? I will share more inchies today as well as some pictures that were taken in my own backyard. I hope you enjoy them and I hope you are inspired to go out and make the most of your Earth Day, today and everyday!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Inchie fever is still burning

Well, I still have the fever and I just had to make a couple of pages of these babies for my nifty little book. They are so fun! Big art in a teeny tiny square!

I have been dinkin' around with my 'puter all day trying to iron out a technical problem and I may have a handle on it. It has taken time away from my inchies and the other gazillion things I was planning to do today. Anyway, so much for my silly whining.

Just thought I would share them before I hit the hay.........again (I was napping in my chair for most of the evening!)

I also made my 26 "C's" for the inchie swap on the SSR zine group list I swear it only took me about 45 minutes to make about 30 of them. That is how quickly they come together. If you belong to the group and want to join in, there are just a few letters left to sign up for. Hurry up and sign up! You can be the owner of 26 little works of art!

Well, I am off to the land of nod. See you all in the morning! Sweet dreams!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

The Inchie Bug

OK, it hasn't quite bit yet but I am preparing myself for the onset! I wanted to make a little book with my Bind it All and since I signed up for my very first alpha inchie swap. This was a good excuse to make one to put my anticipated alphabet inchies in. I recently made a friend an atc using a reflection theme for an atc swap on one of my atc groups. I loved it so much, that I had to make another one just for myself. It was a good reason to make myself one and use it as the front cover of my little inchie book. The image is by one of my favorite rubber stamps companies, Third Coast Rubberstamps and it was a perfect one to make a reflection on vellum. All the paper and cardstock is by WorldWin Papers (Ruche, Vellum and Treasures) and the rub on is by Melissa Frances. Anyway, since I needed to practice I made my very first inchies. I have a lot to learn about them. These are pretty primative looking but hey, I gotta start somewhere! Inchie world, here I come!!!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Damn the Flu!/Technique Junkies guest DT Member

Well, I have been lagging on this blog as well as everything else I am supposed to be doing, something fierce this last month. I was bragging that I had not come down with that damned flu bug but I was sadly mistaken. I have been sick with it for half a month now. It seems to like to come back on you when you think it is going away. It is the gift that keeps on giving. Oh Joy!

I was honored and pleased to be asked to be a guest Design Team Member for Technique Junkies this month. If you ever wanted to be inspired daily, this is the site to do it on. Not only do you get the best newsletter and website but they have the most dedicated Yahoo group that daily adds all sorts of inspiration to the wonderful techniques that Pat Huntoon cranks out with each and every newsletter. Well worth the small change she charges. Do yourself a favor and join! I have been lucky enough to have a couple of my techniques in there. First was the Veined Marble which has remained very popular and this time was my Color Collage and I am thrilled with the entries that the members have come up with so far. So join us for the fun and make sure you tell Pat that I sent you! :)

Here are some of the techniques that I have played with so far. There are hundreds and hundreds from past newsletters. Enough to keep you busy for a long time! Happy creating!